Fysio Center Jyväskylä Oy

Fysio Center Jyväskylä Oy is a company in the Central Finland region operating four physiotherapy centres.

Fysio Center Jyväskylä Oy is a company in the Central Finland region operating four physiotherapy centres. The fifth centre will be opened in the city of Jyväskylä in August of 2016. The company has 18 employees: physiotherapists, a naprapath, an osteopath, a masseur, and an assistant. In our core practice we focus on musculoskeletal system and neurological physiotherapy. In addition to that we develop occupational health services and geriatric rehabilitation services. Our most recent product is the group therapy Corus-Cardio focussing on cardiac health. We offer our services to private clients, and we also cooperate with the Finnish health insurance fund, family health centres, and a number of insurance companies.


The role of Fysio Center Jyväskylä OY in the cluster is to promote internationalisation of the health for active life cluster. The objectives include fostering cooperation in the field of physiotherapy between Finland and Estonia, designing of services and products, improvement of qualification and joint marketing of the network created in the two countries (incl. professional associations, universities and businesses). Fysio Center contributes their professional expertise into generation of information materials and articles, as well as organisation of events.

Fysio Center Jyväskylä Oy
Taitoniekantie 9 H, 40740 Jyväskylä, Finland
Tel. +358 14 3100 775